Chayote Fruit Cooked With Red Wine Vinegar And Onions


ChayoteChayote fruits are used in both raw and cooked forms. When cooked the right way, chayote is sweeter It can also be eaten straight, although the boring flavor makes this a horrible idea. Whether raw or cooked, chayote is a great source of foliate, amino acids and Vitamin C.

It was originally grown in Central America but has spread throughout the world. The vegetable is popular in South America, Thailand and Taiwan. The fruit is grown primarily in Costa Rica and Veracruz Mexico.

Chayote is a member of the gourd family. In the raw form, Chayote can be added to salads. When cooked it is usually handed like a summer squash.

Cooking Instructions: This was cooked with olive oil and sautéed onions. Added Chayote squash after cutting out the seeds and pealing the outside. Covered with a lid and cooked until soft – about 20 minutes. After done cooking, we added red wine vinegar, salt and pepper.

Here is a picture of the raw form:


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